Thursday, January 13, 2011

Awww! I Love You Too, Girls

Last night Marta called me from Nicole's phone to tell me to Ven! Tenemos una sorpressa! Come down here! We have a surprise! I assumed she was just making up the whole surprise thing in order to get me to come visit the section.

And then I got there, and I actually got my surprise!

The eight girls who used to be in my section but moved up last month to an older section -- the eight girls I invited to come back to my despedida on Tuesday night -- had made me a sign! It says "We Love You, Carrie." And the stickers also tell me I'm Girl of the Year, that I have a long list of goals, dreams, and friends, and that I'm a heartbreaker haha.

Awwwww. I love it.

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