Monday, October 11, 2010

Earth Lodge!

This weekend, the entire volunteer group took a volunteer salida (trip) to Earth Lodge! Earth Lodge says they're an "eco-friendly mountain lodge and avocado farm near Antigua, Guatemala, famous for their avocados, volcano views, amazing food, and magic treehouse," and they pretty much hit the nail right on the head.

Only 20 minutes outside (or should we say "above") Antigua, it's like some vacation-retreat god dropped this cozy ski lodge (minus the skiing) onto a Guatemalan plain overlooking three incredible volcanoes, equipped the place with awesome facilities, delicious food, campfire pits, a collection of every movie and board game you could ever want, and said, "Let the visitors come."

And they do. This entire year, I've been hearing good, great, and greater things about Earth Lodge, and after this weekend, I get it. You feel completely away from it all without being very far away from it all at all, and its views are probably some of the most beautiful I've come across in all of Guatemala.

Take me back, please!

Katie, Katie, and Nicole...we're on our way!
You really never get sick of riding in the back of pick-up trucks in Guatemala.
Where are the volcano views???
Oh there it is.
Earth Lodge! So close!
We MADE it!
Gorgeous. Where we spent pretty much every hour every day.
Antigua and the valley below.
This dog was crazy. You could throw his ball about a mile deep into the valley below, and he'd STILL bring it back. Best games of fetch we've ever witnessed.
Our dorm, which believe it or not, comfortably fit 8 people. Magic or something.
Getting our tan...sunburn...on.
Michael: "Right now, I'm challenging you guys to a standing tree yoga pose contest."
  Wake up. Walk outside our dorm. See this.
And then this. Volcanoes Agua, Fuego, and Acatenango.

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