Monday, January 25, 2010

Supersize Me, Por Favor

This weekend, Sam and I had one of those “Oh, we’re not in the United States anymore” moments.

Saturday morning we took one of the beloved chicken buses to Chimaltenango (or just Chimal, for short), the town 20 minutes away where we can find a grocery store and mall-like commercial center. We went just to grocery shop but then decided to take a detour over to the Taco Bell in the food court next door.

Pathetic that we visited a U.S. fast food chain? Kinda. But hey, when all you see is rice and beans three times a day, recognizable fast food chains are about the best thing that could happen to you.

Gross that we chose Taco Bell? Kinda. I never eat Taco Bell back in the States, ew. I’m just not a fan. So Saturday I stuck to a safe menu decision – a Pepsi and Cinnamon Twists. Pretty delicious.

But anyway, back to the point. We both ordered “mediana” sized drinks, deciding that we were really craving those fountain sodas and would splurge on a medium cup. So when they handed us our kids’ meal sized cups, we politely reminded them that we had ordered medianas.

“Um, those are medianas.”

What??? Saddest day ever.

Our “medium” Pepsis were about the size of the palm of my hand, and when we looked to see what a small cup must look like, I kid you not, it was probably no bigger than a Dixie cup.

We realized all of a sudden, that oh yeah, everything is ridiculously huge in the U.S. The average medium-sized drink in the States is probably close to a half gallon. Geez.

Oh well. Next time we’ll just have to make sure we order the Super Grandes.

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